Ok, Everyone has favorite songs including me! My favorite song is Praying by Kesha. I love it so much but surprisingly I don’t like any of her other songs. Just this one I guess. Is it just me, or do you think this song has a meaning. I think it is about fighting all of the abuse around her, and it makes me want to stop the abuse because it is just WRONG! It teaches people not to do that. The video was from Keshavevo.
Since it is almost Christmas I am using my favorite christmas song All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey. It makes me want to dance around and have hot cocoa! I love christmas songs especially during Christmas because it would be silly to listen to it during summer. I love her voice and the melody. This video was from MariahCareyvevo.
Last one of my favorite songs is a Reflection by Christina Augilera. I love the song because it make me think of the past and how to fix it. It is also one of the songs from one of my favorite movies Mulan. It is my most favorite song ever! I also love her voice and all of her music. This video was from ChristinaAugileraBR.