My Passion

     All-Stars Cheer Fire Schynts Photography via Compfight

My passion is cheerleading. I am a flyer. A flyer is a person on a team that is held up by several people and they do flips and twirls in the air. Cheerleading is so fun, we get to stay after school and do jumps and tumbling. I am working on my skill for jumping and tumbling. 

Cheerleading is so fun. We get to stretch and talk when we first get there. We get to learn new cheers every day and do jumps. My friends are on the team too they are all my bases and backspots. They hold my feet and my back when I am in the air. I love doing cradles. They put me into a half then I jump into the air and sit in the air and into their hands. I love cheerleading!

This entry was posted on September 27, 2017. 2 Comments